Watercolor with Prisma Color pencils Caricature

Mike Mac watercolor profile caricature with body


Caricature created with watercolor and Prisma colored pencils. This type of caricature takes about 15 minJim profile watercolor caricature

Holiday Party Caricature

holiday profile caricature Knott's lady

13 yr. old boy

Fast Sharpie Caricature created at an outdoor event13yr old boy front sharpie eldorado event

Grad. Guy

Sharpie caricature for a graduation party. Extra charge to pre-print cap, gown and lettering.


Party Caricatures

Fast caricatures created at a birthday party. Takes about 5 to 7 min. for each frontviewTrang and Duc


Fast CaricatureJenny-bday girl

High School Guy

Fast CaricatureHigh School Guy

Mark and Kaleen

Quick Sharpie Party CaricatureMark and Kaleen


Fast CaricatureRuben-High School Student